I'm an uncle now.

Oscar was born on December 23rd at 5 after 2 in the afternoon. He weighed 8.2 pounds and measured 20.5 inches. He's been around for almost 2 weeks now, and he's healthy. whew.
I'm leaving on Sunday for the next 4 months. I'm nervous and excited, getting concerned that I haven't planned enough, but eager to improvise. As always, I"m a little concerned that something catastrophic may happen, but I can't live my life trying to avoid risks.
Dad and I will arrive in Chile on Monday morning, be there (and in Valpariso) for about a week, then off to Lima and Cuzco for the 4 days. After he leaves, the rest is up to me.
I won't have my computer in Central and South America so blog entries will be fewer and more far between. Though im; bringing my digicam, it's possible that I won't be able to post any photos. oh well.
best to everyone, happy new year.
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